Monday, March 19, 2012

Out of Control

These past two months have been wonderful!  Tanner and I have been very busy and we have taken little weekend trips which have just been a dream.  Us being gone so much has given us the opportunity to eat out ALOT!  I love going out to dinner, the food is always better than what I can make at home and it's so much easier.  Unfortunately it's taken it's tole on my body.  I finally decided to have an intervention this past weekend and I had to decide to stop.  As much as I LOVE eating out, my body does not.  Number one, I feel unhealthy.  I hate having to hike my pants up even farther to try and hide to muffin that is forming around my mid area.  Now this doesn't mean I'm giving up junk food! No that would be impossible being that Tanner is my husband.  I just need to get a little more control of my eating habits and not always turn to eating out (although just thinking about eating out is making me crave McDonald's chicken nuggets dipped in their buffalo sauce)  See?  I'm OUT OF CONTROL!  Wish me luck

1 comment:

  1. Margot you crack me up! You are the skinniest person I know!
